We hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this unprecedented time.
As the world adjusts to different habits for everyone’s wellbeing, weremain dedicated to stay engaged. Many of our team members will be spending time away from work to focus on their health, families and communities. However, that doesn’t mean the music stops. In fact, one “Can’t Stop The Music”, to support and virtually connect with our fans, guests and investors around the world.
We remain at your service for any concerns, questions or business needs. Be it a virtual tour through our residences or a personal visit to see them directly. We are there for you.
Buyers Information: Franz Pasler f.pasler@pk-partner.at
Contact in Davos: Florian Walther florian.walther@hrhdavos.com
Please stay safe and healthy, remember to let us know if we can do something for you.
#alpinehome #skiproperty #investinswitzerland #buyproperty #wellnesshotelschweiz #spahoteldavos