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The Residences at the Hard Rock Hotel Davos provide the perfect environment to create long lasting memories with family. The variety of apartments available, make these properties suitable for both small and large families, making it easy to find your dream holiday home, where experiences and adventure await in spades.

Family holidays and trips are an important part of overall development, and act as an opportunity to create positive family memories whilst reflecting on shared values and experiences. However, modern lifestyles have meant that passive screen time and social media has made society less social to a detriment of physical and mental health. A study from the American Journal of Health Promotion noted that excessive use of social media and screen time is one of the biggest contributors to loneliness due to the lack of in-person interactions, which allows people to truly appreciate and reap the benefits of social connection. 

Supporting this, is a further study conducted by Scientific Journal PLOS ONE which showed that people feel less stressed, and more happiness when interacting within familiar social circles. This highlights the importance of time with family, both physically and mentally. The benefits of spending time with family is a critical aspect to a full and meaningful life and Improves Mental Health. Through interacting with close social networks face to face, as opposed to digitally, people benefit from significantly reduced levels of depression, anxiety, and other mental illness. Being physically present with loved ones creates a strong emotional support to sustain you through life’s challenges.

The Residences at the Hard Rock Hotel Davos is an ideal place to enjoy this time together and build the bonds and memories with family and friends. Whether it is entertaining in the high specification kitchens, enjoying a meal on the balconies, or playing having your own party in the living room – the Residences are equipped to create the most memorable experiences. 

The town of Davos is a family friendly holiday destination, where children can discover the snow covered mountain world of Davos Klosters in the winter, and enjoy the water activities at Lake Davos during the summer. 

To find out more about the Residences, call +41 44 551 41 28. Alternatively you can email a member of our team: apartments@hrhdavos.com